Thursday, November 12, 2009

How do i store canna lillie Bulbs?

I hava a bunch of plants that some one already dug up. How can i store these until i'm ready to plant them.

How do i store canna lillie Bulbs?
Why are you storing them? They should be planted now
Reply:Place them in a brown paper bag, cover them with soil, and keep the bag in a dry, cool, and dark place. This will keep them dormant until you replant them. Always dig them up and store them in the fall as they will not survive the winter in most US climates.
Reply:in a cool damp environment like a refrigerator
Reply:I put mine in some earth in an indoor pot, and store it in my basement in a cool place. When it's spring and ready to plant the shoots are growing out of the pot. If you have a really nice pot such as a terra cotta one you could leave it in the pot all year and just cut the plant down to the earth level in the pot. Works for me.
Reply:If you store them in a box or a bin with sawdust, then you won't find any rotted bulbs when you get them out to plant them next season.
Reply:If you put them in a plastic bag with a few holes and leave them in your refridgerator until you are ready to plant them in the fall

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