Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cannas in Zone 3-4?

Hi, I planted some canna approximately 3 weeks ago. I live in Eastern Nebraska - Zone 4 although I've had things die on me during especially harsh winters.

The corms were large and very nicely formed. I planted them approximately 6 inches below grade with a little sprinkle of osmocote and watered them thoroughly. I spread a little mulch on top to keep everything moist. Now having done all that - I'm a little concerned since I haven't seen ANY growth whatsoever. Am I just really impatient or is there something wrong? Shouldn't they be coming up by now -- especially since they're supposed to grow at least six feet by July? Also, I planted two corms in a sandier area - will they do well? Any advice is appreciated!

Cannas in Zone 3-4?
Cannas grow best in full sun with moderate water in well-drained rich or sandy soil. Cannas grow from perennial rhizomes but are frequently grown as annuals in temperate zones for an exotic or tropical look in the garden. The rhizomes are somewhat cold hardy but may rot if left unprotected in freezing conditions. In areas which go below about −10 °C in the winter, the rhizomes can be dug up before freezing and stored in a protected area (above +7 °C) for replanting in the spring.
Reply:Normally a corm is planted twice as deep as the size of the corm or bulb. I live in zone 6 and my cannas just peeked out of the ground 2 weeks ago. Scratch a little of the dirt off the top of a few to help them along. Since you are zone 4, give them another week or two before being alarmed.

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