Saturday, November 14, 2009

After deadheading my cannas, they turn brown. what am i doing wrong/?

How much are you taking off? When you dead head, you should only take off the dead flower stalk. In the case of Cannas, that's the small green/red stick that has the blooms on it. You should not cut anything else - no leaves - nothing except what the flowers are on.

Now Cannas, in order to produce new flowers will either send up side shoots or send up new shoots from the ground. In both situations, you need to ensure that the ground never dries out. So you need to keep on watering the plants. Also, your plants need to be healthy and fertilized in order to grow well.

You didn't say what climate you were in, nor did you say what condition the Cannas were in or if you had fertilized them or not.

Here in Maryland, Cannas will continue to bloom and grow until the first frost. At that time we have to dig them up and prepare them for winter storage. If we leave them outside, they'll freeze and die. However, some people in southern Maryland can leave them outside if they are in a very sheltered area next to their homes. I'm sure you people know who you are - I've tried it with no luck, but I have had luck with Glads sometimes....

So - keep watering - fertilize - and when deadheading - just remove the flower spike where the dead flowers were - only that and nothing else. Okay?

Good Luck!

After deadheading my cannas, they turn brown. what am i doing wrong/?
Thanks for the comment -

for the zones in Mississippi go to this link -

Ken Report It

Reply:All the Cannas that I have only bloom once, so I don't think you are doing anything wrong.Unless I am?! LOL
Reply:Well, since Cannas only bloom once you don't necessarily need to dead head. Just let them be until they die back and either leave them in the ground for next season or if you are zone 6 or above then pull them up until spring.

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