Friday, November 18, 2011

I divided a canna bulb few weeks ago and theres no growth. the bulb is in the house under flourescent lights.?

tropicanna is the variety i fear it may be a gonner.

I divided a canna bulb few weeks ago and theres no growth. the bulb is in the house under flourescent lights.?
Be patient. I move my Cannas indoors this time of year because of our freezing weather. They go dormant and appear to be dead. Once springtime is here and they get outside in the sun they come right back. Don't give up on it. Just keep it lightly watered and when your weather is mild enough set it outside. Plants go through a period of shock when transplanted and divided. They need a time of rest before they start growing again.
Reply:My cannas are dormant for a good half a year. I dug them up in December (tops had died back, but corms were still good).

If your corm is sturdy, not mushy to the touch - it's probably fine. Just too early.

I put mine in a cool dark place until March or so. I'll start them inside in a pot sometimes, but mostly, I'll plant them directly in the ground about 4 weeks before the last frost date.

Do you have yours in soil? Or just a naked bulb under a light? Plant it in soil, and keep it moist, if you want it to grow early. You don't even need a light on it until it comes up. I plant mine about 6-8" down.

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