Sunday, April 26, 2009

Canna Lily bulbs...when do you lift them?

I have some great Canna's in the back and would love to keep them. When do I lift the bulbs? Before or after first frost? Do I cut them back? Do I hang them like a spring bulb to feed the bulb? They are huge...btw.

Canna Lily bulbs...when do you lift them?
just after the first frost is best, however some people don't have that luxury and pluck them before.

i am not a botanist, however, i did stay at a holiday inn express last night!
Reply:Cannas are tropical and sub-tropical plants.

Lift the plants just before the first frost, dry partially, cut off all leaves and roots before storing. Store in moist, not wet, peat moss or leave mold in a frost-free location. If kept too dry the rhizomes will shrivel and die, if kept too wet they will rot.

Appears more than one shoot on a rhizome, divide the rhizome into sections each with a shoot and some new roots the following spring.
Reply:I live in Australia and get frosts all winter but never below -6C and I never lift mine. Let the frost take the top but leave on the plants as protection.(If you want a neater look cut them down to say 1ft). In spring when frosts have past, chop them down to ground level and off they go again.
Reply:I live in MN. I dig them after the first frost and let the stalks dry before I cut them off. Then I put them in a box of peat moss and store them in the basement.....same with dahlias and glads. I have a friend who stores them in a box in layers with newspaper between each layer. Both methods work fine.

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